Trix Game
Trix, pronounced Tricks or Trex, and also known as Ticks, is a four-player Middle Eastern card game mainly played in the Levant region (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine) and Saudi Arabia.Trex is a compendium game in which there are four rounds with each round consisting of five games.
Each cycle is called a “kingdom” in reference to the fact that in each cycle one player (the King) determines which contract to play in each of the five games.

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How Do I Play Trix?
General Information
A standard card deck with 52 cards is used
The game is played with the four standard suits: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades
Card power ranks: Ace > King > Queen > Jack > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2
Each player is dealt 13 cards
There are a total of 20 rounds in a regular game
Starting the game
- Choosing the first player
- Cards are dealt and the player holding the 7 of hearts plays first and is said to own the first kingdom.
- Play order for dealing
- After the first player finishes his kingdom, the kingdom passes to the player on his right (counter-clockwise)
- Players take turns to own a kingdom
- Each kingdom consists of 5 contracts that the king has to play to finish his kingdom
- The king can play the 5 contracts in any order during his kingdom
- The king must pick a contract for each deal based on his remaining contracts for the kingdom
- Each contract can be played only once during that players’ kingdom
- The kingdom ends when the player has played all 5 of his contracts
- When the kingdom ends, the next player in line becomes king of his kingdom and proceeds to declare any of the 5 contracts
- For certain modes, the contract ends when all impactful cards are played.
- King of hearts – the round ends when the king of hearts is collected
- Diamonds – the round ends when all diamonds are collected
- Queens – the round ends when all queens are collected
King of hearts
The player who takes the trick containing the king of hearts gets his points reduced by -75.
When the contract is announced, the player who has the king of hearts has the option of revealing it to the other players and in doing so doubling its value. Hence, this process is called “”doubling””. If the player doubling the card fails, and collects it, his or her points are reduced by 75 points. Oppositely, If another player collects it when it is “”doubled”” his points are reduced by -150 points (double the standard value) and the player who originally had it gets 75 points.
Players can lead with hearts
Each card of the diamond suit taken in a trick takes -10 points off the running total of the collecting player.
There is no doubling in diamonds
Each queen taken in a trick costs the collecting player 25 points.
Queens can also be doubled, causing the player who collects a doubled queen to get his points reduced by -50 and the one giving it to gain 25 points.
Each trick taken costs the collecting player -15 points
There is no doubling in lutoosh
The goal here is to get rid of cards as soon as possible. However, it cannot happen in a random manner. It always begins with the jacks and then upwards in each suit until the ace, then downwards to the 2. The dealer begins and play continues counter-clockwise. At your turn must play one card if you can. Legal plays are: any jack, or any card that is one rank higher or lower than a card that has already been played. If you are unable to play, you pass.
The first player who runs out of cards scores +200 points, the second scores +150 points, the third +100 points and the last gets +50 points.
There is no doubling in trix
Special Cases
Trix is a zero-sum game and it’s possible that the last kingdom ends in a draw for all players or for players on the first and second spot. In this case, the next player in line – after the last, holds another kingdom complete with 5 contracts. This process repeats until there is a clear winner for the first place.